I am a Physics Professor who has been doing physics and materials related research since 1996 and has taught at the university level since 2004. I value cooperative research experiences with undergraduate students, industrial colleagues and professors at Stout and other universities. I teach to empower students to hack, make, and monitor technology so that it is safe and good for people and the environment. I employ physics education research findings in my pedagogy, and push the envelope from there.

Millions of tons of pre-consumer fibrous material waste are placed in landfills each year in the US. I'm characterizing some types for reuse in commercially viable applications.
I received a research fellowship in spring 2019 to work on the open vacuum hardware project. I hope to print vacuum hardware (or pre-molds to cast it), helping to democratize vacuum technology industries.
Dr. Marcia Miller-Rodeberg and I are learning about the skills high school graduates possess. We hope to improve access to educational opportunities for UW-Stout students interested in STEM disciplines.